The journey of being a basketball player is like climbing a mountain. You have to cross up high to reach the top. It begins with step by step efforts which will be in turn of hard work and dedication. A look down the mountain will make you think that you were just beginning. Others would want to stop. But YOU, an aspiring young basketball player would continue. Because you are committed, you keep going and climbing. Step after step, you walk with the determination needed to be the best you can be.
When your half way up the mountain. Some would proclaim they are already a player, these players feel as if they are the player they strive to be. Each feels he is ready for anything. But you, the committed mountain climber knows that his journey has a long way to go. He knows that his game is still a long way from arriving at its peak! This player is what we call being dedicated to the game. The committed player is patient, listens to his coach, and strives to be a little better each day. He is constantly becoming a player.
The importance of learning basketball fundamentals would lead one aspiring basketball player to his dreams. Together with his determination, confidence, respect for his teammates, positive attitude, sportsmanship and the value of teamwork.